Cold-Fusion for Hot Looking Skin

When you are looking for the right skin product it is what you do not see that makes the biggest difference in what gives your skin the healthy youthful look that you desire. You can read the ingredient list, see the packaging, and review all the promotional material touting the benefits of a skin care brand. That is all the visible information and even then, in many cases “what you see doesn’t mean that’s what you got.”
Right now, we want to discuss the “invisible” information that you never see which has a major impact when you apply a skin care cream to your body. You buy a beauty cream for the purpose of doing a multiple array of skin enhancements. That includes moisturizing, smoothing out wrinkles, achieving a healthy glow, antiaging and detoxifying the skin.
To achieve any or all these goals means applying a product that has a maximum amount of pure whole food vitamins, nutrients, proteins, and bioflavonoids to enhance and energize the skin cells. When we talk about “whole food” we are talking about unaltered Mother Nature ingredients. It is the reason that éclatant uses only pure Mother Nature botanical ingredients filled with all the nurturing supplements your skin thrives on.
The minute chemicals are added to a skin care product it means synthetics are being substituted for the purity of Mother Nature. You can be assured that there are no synthetic nutrients that can even come close to improving your skin like a whole food nutrient. The inclusion of chemicals also ensure that an “invisible” alteration has been made to the product.
Many of the chemicals used in skin care products are bled or formed out of petroleum. To bleed them out it requires the use of so-called separation processing chemicals, sometimes very toxic chemicals, to free the required chemicals from the petroleum. What is even worse is the fact that processing chemicals are not required to be listed or even mentioned by the manufacturer. These toxins are the hidden or invisible chemicals you never see or read about but are sitting in your skin care cream.
In virtually all processing procedures there is a need for heat to activate the processing. Heat is one of the most common elements in a processing procedure. No different from when they pasteurize milk or concentrate orange juice. Heat and chemicals are needed to complete the process. It is the reason farm fresh milk is always tastier and healthier than pasteurized milk: the same reason that fresh squeezed orange juice is tastier and healthier than concentrate. When you heat up any of Mother Nature’s ingredients – whether it be milk, OJ, or botanical ingredients used in a skin care product – you are cooking out a significant amount of their inherent nutrients. The cooking out starts at around 118°F. Most processing temperatures, including pasteurization, are at 165°F or greater which means a large loss of nutrients. Sometimes the manufacturer will try to replace the cooked out natural nutrients with synthetics, but they never work as well.
Another sure sign that a skin care product has been heat processed is if you see water listed as the number one ingredient, which means it is the largest volume ingredient in the jar, usually around 50% of the total content. This is true for 90% of all the skin care products in the marketplace. Water is inexpensive and is added by the manufacturer to reduce their product cost and increase their margins or profits. Your body is already 65 to 75% water. A few drops of water from your skin care jar is not going to do anything to help your skin. In fact, because water quickly evaporates off your body it serves to dehydrate and dry out your skin. Nobody moisturizes their skin by taking a shower.
Skin care products that contain water also contain oils which are the true moisturizers of the skin. Water and oil do not mix. To make them mix the manufacturer must use a process called emulsification to chemically change the water so it can mix with the oil. In virtually all cases this process requires 165°F heat which cooks out most of the nutrients in the other “good” ingredients.
At éclatant we use a proprietary cold-fusion process in formulating our skin care products. Cold-fusion is performed at 65°F or lower. That means our products never see any damaging heat during formulation. It also means our products never contain any water and never are polluted with any chemicals either visible or invisible. No other manufacturer comes even close to supplying your skin with the amount of unaltered non-GMO whole food supplements we provide. When you apply any éclatant product to your skin you can be assured it is being nourished to the maximum with pure Mother Nature nutrients. Your skin will be moisturized, energized, nutritional and revitalized like never. If you want your skin to look its best - you want to use ONLY éclatant products.
About éclatant botanicals skin care for women
éclatant botanicals is 100% clean, pure, and organic and are made in the United States. éclatant provides a combination of organic skin saviors that will enhance and rejuvenate stressed skin by immersing it with the purest and most hydrating nutrients to brighten and beautify your skin tone.
Natural, organic, and healthy for your skin, éclatant botanicals is organic skin care infused with vitamins, minerals and essential oils that leave your skin feeling beautiful, every day. Perfect for men and women, with all skin types and ages, our botanical line includes face creams, serums, face washes, and body creams that will revitalize your skin, illuminate, nourish and decrease signs of aging.
If you’re curious about how botanicals can take your skin to the next level, then we invite you to explore our full line of botanical skin care for both men and women alike. For more information, visit today.
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