Wholesale Ordering

Here to Serve Your Customers’ Needs

éclatant botanicals organic skin care is pleased to offer wholesale merchandising to businesses in the health and beauty industry. We offer discounts and low-cost shipping for all bulk orders.

What Is Wholesale Ordering?

Wholesale means that a business buys goods in large quantities directly from a business or manufacturing, in this case directly from éclatant botanicals organic skin care, warehouses them and resells them to their customers. This means retailers can buy products at discounted prices and sell them for higher prices.

Benefits of Bulk Ordering

The top benefit of bulk ordering is increased sales. By selling products wholesale, you will acquire new customers more quickly and at little cost. Leveraging other brands’ audiences to sell your product is another added benefit. By creating wholesale partnerships with established brands, you are able to leverage the company’s audience to get your products into their customers’ hands. Wholesaling also gives you the opportunity to enter new markets with less risk.   

Inquire about your wholesale options with éclatant botanicals organic skin care today by calling 213-660-1366 or email cs@eclatantbotanicals.com